What a interesting day
I finished watching the RE Darkside Chronicles cutscreens yesterday. I really, really like the character models and outfits in it. I don't really like Claire's remake outfit because it looks like a 2010's Tumblr biker girl wannabe, so the darkside look was perfect.
I spent my morning leveling up in Rolanberry fields. I couldn't get up on a hill while exploring, so I wonder if there is a float ability in the game or if it's a part of one of the expansions. I decided to listen to the latest episode of Missing in Arizona while playing and finished just in time. I took out my cat fanny for the first time. I feel like I don't need pockets anymore.
I still barely made it to the first bus. I had to wait a few minutes before the doors opened and had to listen to some lady sing her heart out. I can't remember if it was any good, but man, unless you have a beautiful voice, don't force the rest of us to listen. There was some dumb freaking argument that was mostly instigated by one dude that happened for 1/4 of the route. People who preach about IQ and shit like that are so insufferable. I was tempted to tell him to shut the freak up, but the bus driver did it for me. I definitely made sure to tell him, "Thank you for everything you do." as I was hopping off. I was being dangerous and a big dum so I could catch the second bus.
I decided to get some coffee at the convenience store on the walk over. There was no creamer there, so I sneakily put in their pumpkin spice coffee because the employees were too busy to refill it. The lady with the same problem followed my example. As I was coming into the food bank, the person who does my job before me was leaving. I dropped off my cat fanny and went to sign in. One of the cilent bought green chili burritos.
I was really to see the area so well stocked. I joked that they must paid someone off. It turns out that their costco order was delivered. The dry goods lady had some appointment so she didn't stick around. Her assistant stayed for a bit. I overhead one of the head honcho voice while I was building and I went to show them my new fanny. Both her and another head honcho said it was awesome. I was interrupted by the third head honcho asking if the dry good lady talked to me. I said nope, and that she just left. Apparently, she and other people have been complaining about various issues every day, and the volunteers on the other days have been doing things wrong and something has been on with the Thursday volunteers. He told me to keep it organized like she has it and dumb it down like for idiots. I replied that you can't teach them like preschoolers to do stuff, and he needs to get better volunteers. I mean, technically, Todd comes in before me, so that could be messing things up, too. He didn't know if she really wanted to talk to everyone or if she was just mad from having to clean up some volunteer/s mess of the area yesterday. Man, I feel bad for him between playing peacekeeper, having to make some training for us NFC volunteers, being forced to add another day of amazon delivery and dealing with them dropping the hammer about all kind of rules. I also mentioned that I am also willing to work the new shift.
One of the volunteers brought a pack of those Coca-Cola oreos. She even gave me a left-over broken sugar pig shaped cookie with pink frosting that she made at a roast. I ran into the fb staff member who has the same mental illness as me and I told him about the chat. He was like, "Stay organized? That's impossible for us.". True, lol. I just copy what is on the shelf because it is easier for me. I ended up only making 72 boxes, so I could make the shelves "look nice.". I told one of the head honcho that I stocked everything but beans, and he joked that I like to make them suffer.
Either it was after I got my fanny or earlier before, I told him that I got into Resident Evil and I was surprised that I did. I mentioned that I would play RE2:Remake via high seas means and he joked that he would turn me in. We were interrupted by the lady who gives me a ride. I guess they were talking about movies earlier and she finally remembered the movie she was talking about. I explained that I almost saw it because I went into the wrong theater. She told me that the movie was better than any killer slot(Slotherhouse) movie I saw. I mean Gran Turismo was so annoying with their ads and looked boring as shit.
I got my usual ride. On the first bus, someone's bike almost fell off and on the second bus, some guy got on wearing the Ghostface outfit. I made sure to protect the cookie with my life. I saw some drama between the connect van driver and some customer. The driver said something to woman and the driver was reporting over the radio that she called up a off duty connect driver to pick her up. I just took it to the grocery store. Unfortunately because of the bank outage, I couldn't get the store digital wallet to work. The driver was nice enough to stay in the parking lot for me, so I went home groceryless.

I didn't have enough time to properly get over there, so I had to take a lyft. I do have a good excuse, though. I was wandering in ff11 and noticed on the map that I finally got near Jeuno. Unfortunately, I'm barely level 30-32, which means I had a few monsters trying to kill me, and I had to be sneaky. The lyft driver was a pretty chill dude and does his own gardening because "GMOs". He didn't lecture me about life and told me that things would come to you when it did. We chatted about various things like all the road construction, and he mentioned that his friend is some general manager at the food bank I volunteer at. I later confirmed that the role doesn't exist, so I think his friend probably works there under a different title. I get confused with all the titles, too. I just call them head honchos.
I was way too early for once since I didn't expect to get a lyft ride that fast. I somewhat saw the vaccine clinic flyer in the lobby, but I didn't pay it any mind until I saw the clinic in the future former NFC kitchen. I got my flu and the latest covid shot. I'm sure glad that I bring my insurance card everywhere with me. I was chatting with a staff member, and he told me that he saw the needle pierce someone's arm through the side window, and it gave him the ick. I replied that I love needles because I went to school for it. I may not do anything with my degree, but I love phlebotomy and immunizations being done on me. It seems quite a few staff members came to it. I even saw the new building crew there. My arm that got the covid shot started to get sore soon after. I mean, I think it's only the vaccine in my recent history that makes me sore. I am used to it by now. The manager of volunteer programs was like, "Don't you have to wait 24 hours before strenuous activity with a vaccine.". I replied that I would be fine and that I was used to it.
It was a strange experience that even the fellow box builder volunteer wasn't sure what I could do to help when I asked. I'm sure that I have been there early before, but that's too long ago to remember. I think I spent some of the time chatting. I just started making boxes. I am a very slow box maker, but I tried. One of the head honcho told me, "You could just stock shelves for whatever time is left.". I responded, "I'm gonna keep making boxes.". Because I am not a neat stacker, I had a leaning towers of boxes at one point. The other task I had was going to town on a giant box like those ones where they keep bulk produce. It was a bit tough without a knife, but I had so much fun. The dry goods lady moved them to the trash, and her assistant made the pieces even smaller to fit in the box.
I was informed that we had to move at 11 so that the dry goods lady and her assistant could build their boxes. I had to double-check this info because I got confused while telling Todd (what I will call fellow box builder). He was confused about if he should just leave or not. I totally chilled while I was waiting for them to finish. The second time I went to check, Todd was back on the line. He placed 4 things in the boxes and switched with me.
I was wearing the film festival shirt that I had to sneakily take myself monday because they forgot to get me one. One of the temporary volunteers saw it and mentioned that he was some extra on his friend's horror short showing on Friday. Such a small city once in awhile. I joined a brief conversation, and I heard that some of the warehouse staff have been complaining about stupid stuff like volunteers opening an automatic rolling door to put away produce. That's super sad and pathetic. If we volunteers were not around, their jobs would be 1000x harder. I also had another brief chat about how the Mennonites boys are basically just doing free labor all over the place because that's how their religion rolls I replied that it's really sad how the food bank is cheaping out by using free labor. The staff member responded that it's the food bank, and what do you expect, lol. That's true.
The lady who gives me a ride to the bus stop came back this week. I finished off my boxes and she finished her cleaning. One of the head honcho noticed a random piece of ceiling panel propped on the side near the front entrance. I joked that they are lucky that they are outdoor distribution only right now and it's no wonder why the health department was called on them (It's a joke reference to this stupid google review. Guy seemed to just want to complain about the amazon box building and called the health department on us). Then it was time to go off. On the second bus, I decided if the bus stopped at the stop near the chocolate cafe, I would get off. I bought a coconut ube latte and caramel apple. There is a bus driver with such positive energy and greets everyone with a "Welcome aboard!". I had him on the bus back from the chocolate Cafe. I ended up complimenting him about it when we got to the transit center. I got on the connect van and got lucky because I was the only drop off before they had to go back and switch drivers. The route had us stuck behind a fedex for two minutes. Home time!

Last summer distribution for me
Finally, my knot loosened up for the most part this morning. It was actually nice to take out the trash cans without walking funky. I sometimes feel sluggish before I go to volunteer so I had to force myself up. I think I played ffxi a bit too, so I left a little later. You never know how late the distributions will be set up recently. It was the opposite this time, I was still on time. The distribution was all ready and set up when I arrived, though. The connect van driver saw all the cars and asked if there was an event going on. One of the staff tried to put me on traffic first, but I wanted to do loading. One of the fellow loaders was very delighted to see me. The loading technically didn't need me, but it was fun to hand out bouquets of roses. It's been a while since I got to give out flowers. I think the last time was at one of the holiday distributions. Most people, or mainly women, were thrilled to receive it. One lady joked that she thought the only time she would receive flowers would be at her funeral.
It was truly a short distribution for once. The bulk of cars were two or more households. Not sure how many were really truthful to us when we asked. They only started writing it down on the windshield later. I feel a bit guilty that they give so little food, but there has to be some for everyone. Sooner or later, all the boxes and flowers were consumed. The last cars only had the choice of bell peppers and more bell peppers. Some were already squished or rotten.They even made us the volunteers take some home, or they would have just been thrown out. I picked up one bag of them, and I am glad they were all red.
I did overhear the news that one of the staff running the distributions is trying to start her own thing and plans to have them at the food bank itself. (It happened on the 27th. Too early for me to get there). I had to get a fellow volunteer who speaks basic Spanish to translate this info for a lady who came up. The fellow volunteer wanted to give me a ride home, so he waited for me while I went to get come coffee at a food truck.
I got home and then had to go out again. Mom wanted me to go deposit more money from her tutoring gig for boss's fee and taxes. I chose to head to a different atm for once, and I escaped to the old town area. Stopped at a local bakery for one of their autumn specials, dalgona coffee, and some savory pastry. After lunch, it turns out the atm was out of service. I have had the worst luck with that problem recently, and I had to go in the opposite direction for another atm. I was on my way and heard these houseless ladies talking shit about me. I look like a hot mess usually, so I also look houseless. They were saying that I was trying too hard, one thought my fat was because I was carrying a child, and the other lady thought I was too ugly for someone to do that to me. I get really uncomfortable to hear comments like that. I get that I am a girl, but anything with pregnancy comments makes me so disturbed.
Tbh, I forgot anything else that happened that day. A few days later, I sorted through the bellpeppers and found usable ones. I made stuffed peppers and then accidentally left them out. I was terribly disappointed. Then, a few days after that, one of the connect van driver had someone ask him if there was another park distribution next month. He knew I probably would know and I had to break the bad news. Maybe, next summer.